This page has several sections:
- Under Notes I collected random bits of information. Mostly funny or informational stuff that did not fit well into any of the other categories.
- Under Hobbies you can find some photos of me climbing as well as several small software projects I did, such as a Gtk2/Cairo implementation of the korean board game Omok, a logo editor for my (now dead) Cowon iAudio 7 portable media player. I also wrote a small Jabber/XMPP bot which acts as your personal secretary - you can enter todo items and the bot will remind you of them if it detects that you switched your workplace (or ask about them).
- My contact information can be found in the About Me section. Look there for my GPG key fingerprint or snail mail address.
- In the Research section you can find some of the "by-products" of my research, such as tools or code to enable the reproduction of some of the results I published.
- A list of my publications is available in the Publications section.